Northern Shield Resources Inc. is a Canadian-based company known as a leader in generating high-quality exploration targets that views greenfield exploration as an opportunity to find a Tier 1 asset, near surface, and at relatively low cost. We implement a model driven exploration approach to reduce the risk associated with early-stage projects for ourselves, our shareholders, and the environment. This approach led us to option the Root & Cellar Property from a Newfoundland prospector, who discovered the mineralization, and then its advancement to a large gold-silver-tellurium system.
Finding under-explored, highly prospective greenfield projects with large scale potential often means exploring in very remote areas. However, exploring remote areas carries with them much higher exploration costs associated with logistics. In 2018 Northern Shield went on a hunt to find regions that were easily accessible, yet underexplored and in jurisdictions that were mining friendly and carried low political and mineral title risk. This eventually led the Company to the Root & Cellar Project in Newfoundland. Root & Cellar is being explored through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Seabourne Resources Inc.
The Company was previously focused on exploring for platinum group element (PGE) and nickel-copper-PGE magmatic deposits in under-explored regions of Canada, primarily in northern Ontario, the Labrador Trough of Northern Quebec and Greenland. Under the guidance of President and CEO, Ian Bliss, and Christine Vaillancourt, Chief Geologist, Northern Shield had become known around the world as a leader in grass roots exploration for Ni-Cu-PGEs and the understanding of magmatic systems as it applies to exploration. Northern Shield has not only championed the use of simple geochemistry as a compelling exploration tool for Ni-Cu-PGEs but viewed it as a “risk reducer” in early-stage exploration for both investors and explorationists alike.
But the change in our hunting grounds from remote, fly-in operations in northern Ontario, Quebec and Greenland also brought about a change in commodity focus, and in 2017 to 2019 the Company identified the potential for epithermal gold and related copper porphyries in the Maritimes. Compared to their counterparts in BC, the Carolina Gold belts and Nevada, the Maritimes represented a unique opportunity.